Do you want to learn how to grow cannabis or enhance your knowledge of growing not only under artificial light and avoid common mistakes? Take an online cannabis cultivation course with an experienced instructor with nearly 30 years of experience.

How the course works?

In 16 lessons you will learn everything you need to know to achieve a successful harvest. Everything about hydroponic growing and growing in soil. You will learn about different growing systems, lighting, air conditioning and other equipment. All classes are pre-recorded and last 60-90 minutes. You will receive a PDF presentation for each lesson. Questions about the lessons can be asked in scheduled online meetings. You will be given access to the lessons upon receipt of payment.

All videos are in German. The preferred language for personal consultations is English, but we can discuss in German by appointment.

List of lessons:

  1. Introduction lesson - basic information about cannabis, cannabinoids, terpenes their effects and uses of cannabis. Advantages and disadvantages of growing under artificial light and growing under the sun.
  2. Plant biology - how plants work and what they need to thrive. A more detailed description of the elements necessary for photosynthesis and their interactions.
  3. Lighting - we will discuss different light spectrums, different light sources. Learn about their real advantages and disadvantages, past, present and likely future. We will also focus on UV, the Far-red spectrum, and the extended PAR spectrum. We'll also talk about recommended intensities. This lesson is truly nourishing.
  4. Irrigation - different growing media, different irrigation practices. Hydroponic growing, passive systems and manual irrigation. What to fertilize in different irrigation systems and why. Lots of information from practical cases.
  5. Climate control - when growing under artificial light, accurate climate control is extremely challenging. Often the problem is not only the equipment itself, but the correct control system. You will learn how to approach air conditioning in small, medium and large grow rooms.
  6. Plant nutrition - organic, mineral and organo-mineral fertilizers, liquid, bulk and solid fertilizers - when, why and how to choose the right nutrition for a specific growing situation. Because without the right nutrition, plants won't grow the way you want them to.
  7. Setting up a grow space - suggestions for minimalist grow rooms and high-end commercial spaces. How to make the right decisions and not invest where it doesn't make sense. Seven is a lucky number and this lesson can definitely help your growing luck.
  8. Controlling plant morphology or 10 ways to make plants grow the way you want them to.
  9. Choosing the right variety - there are so many, so this is a good topic to discuss on its own.
  10. Seeds versus seedlings - while seedlings are the most common starting material in commercial operations and medical cannabis producers, home growers are very much in favour of growing from seed. Advantages, disadvantages, method of obtaining seeds or seedlings, feminisation, photoperiod neutral varieties, seed germination and clonal care. All this and much more in the tenth lesson of this course.
  11. Vegetative Phase Part One - getting to what you'll actually see during the growing process. You'll learn what's best to do, and also what unpleasant things you may encounter. Because luck favours the prepared.
  12. Vegetative phase part two - preparing plants for flowering induction, a practical demonstration of some techniques aimed at making better use of growing space. When to induce flowering and how to proceed with photoperiod neutral (automatic) varieties.
  13. Generative phase part one - flowering phase requires marked changes in climate control. New problems may come with its onset. How to prepare for them and how to deal with them if necessary will be discussed in this lesson. You will also learn about adding CO2, light intensity and different flower fertilizers.
  14. Generative phase part two - now the decision is made as to whether the crop will be good or not. A number of problems can come up that are difficult to solve at this stage. You will learn to prevent them and not to forget even the smallest details. We will also discuss different ways to influence the final appearance of the plants and the correct timing of the harvest.
  15. Harvesting and drying - growing is definitely half the battle. However, harvesting is quite a demanding activity and if not dried properly, your crop can drop a lot in quality and quantity. You don't want that, and neither do I, so let's prepare for everything.
  16. Cannabis storage - the journey is far from over with drying. Now you need to refine your cannabis a little and store it properly so that it retains as much of its good qualities as possible. In the last lesson, I will also summarize the whole course a bit.


You will be guided through the course by Josef Krejcik aka Mr. José, who has almost 30 years of experience in growing cannabis, including five years working in a research indoor grow room, and is the author of books on growing this amazing herb. His books have been translated into six languages and have taught more than 70,000 people how to grow. The course will conclude with an online written test. Those who pass the test will also receive a diploma for successful completion of the course.